Towards Excellence in Promoting need based Training Programmes and Research in Civil Engineering |
To design and develop need based training programs for the faculty of Polytechnic & Engineering Colleges and working Professionals of Industry and Govt. Organizations |
To offer International Training Programs on emerging areas of Civil Engineering for the Teachers and working professionals of various Counties under ITEC/SCAAP schemes. |
To develop new innovative short term and long term programs by collaborating with Universities and Institutes of Higher Learning for developing Civil Engineering Teachers to meet the requirements of Engineering Educational Institutions. |
To provide support services to the Government of India schemes related to the technical and vocational education system and as entrusted by MHRD, Government of India, from time to time. |
To offer research, testing services and consultancy for Industries and Govt. Organizations. |
To establish partnership with Industries for offering Skill based Training Programs for Industrial Personnel and Industrial Training for the faculty of Polytechnic and Engineering Colleges. |
To design new instructional systems and strategies for the production of multimedia learning resources and transfer through the latest technologies including broadcasting, webcasting/Multicasting. |
To offer faculty exchange programs by linking with various Universities of India and abroad |
M.E(Infrastructure Engineering and Management) |
Infrastructure is a basic system that a country or an organization uses in order to work efficiently. The program lays emphasis on Construction/Infrastructure engineering in terms of designing, planning and environmental management of large buildings, townships, roads and bridges, transportation engineering and Infrastructure Projects. The Employment opportunities include Real Estate, Private and Public Sector Undertaking, Transportation Centres, Consultancy Firms, Industrial Plants and Housing & Urban Development Authorities. More than all the above opportunities NITTTR will provide an excellent Job opportunity to serve as a great teacher in Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges to the successful students. |
Ph.D. - Civil Engineering |
Ph.D. – Engineering Education |
(Ph.D. - Degree Awarded – 6, Ongoing – 8) |
Spatial Information Technology for Urban Planning and Management – 3 Batches |
GIS Applications in Natural Resources Management – 2 Batches |
Sponsored by Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC),Technical Co-operation Scheme of Colombo Plan (TCS) & Special Commonwealth African Assistance Programme (SCAAP) |
Continuously Involved in Developing Curriculum for the Polytechnic Colleges of Southern States through Directorate Technical Education of Southern states. |
Involved in Developing Curriculum for the B.E, Civil Engineering, M.E (Remote Sensing), M.E (Infrastructure Engineering and Management) |
Fully equipped CAD & Project Management Lab with 20 terminals and adequate accessories with projection facilities, Popular software in the areas of CAD, AutoCAD, Revit Arch, STAAD Pro , SCADDS, MS Project, Primavera. |
10 Computers with Leading GIS Software like Arc GIS (30 users), Map Info and Quantum GIS, Image Processing software like ERDAS/ENVI, Total Station, Differential GPS, and handheld GPS navigators. |
Computerized Automatic Servo Controlled Universal Testing Machine (100 T) (6 Pillar Model) Computerized Automatic Digital Compression Testing Machine (100 T) for testing and other equipment to test concrete, sand, and cement |
Computerized 100 Ton Loading frame (Servo Controlled Model fully automatic) with accessories to test flexural Strength (Single and two points loading) of Slabs, Beams, and Columns. |
Laboratory facilities to carryout typical experiments to test on Soil |
Various Modern facilities available to test water, sewage samples and Air. |
Degree | Institution/University | Specialization |
B.E | University of Madras | Civil Engineering |
Cert. Tech. Ed | Technical University (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) | Technical Education (Modern Trends in Technical Teaching & Training) |
Ph.D | Anna University | GIS in Environmental Engineering |
Around 32 years including 26 years at NITTTR.
Certificate in Technical Education from Technical
University (Eindhovan), The Netherlands during May- July 1997. |
Certificate in “Film Appreciation”
from Film & Television Institute of India, Pune, India during May- June 2010. |
Leadership for
Academicians Program, IIT Kanpur & NTU Singapore Nov- Dec 2018. |
Civil Engineering – Remote Sensing & Geographical Information System (GIS) |
Urban Planning & Management |
Disaster Management |
Engineering Education
Instructional Design & Delivery Systems |
Technology Enabled Learning |
Strategic Planning & Institutional Evaluation |
Outcome Based Education and Accreditation |
Ph. D Guidance (11 Scholars) - Degree Awarded – 7, Ongoing - 5. |
S. No | Publications | No. of Publications |
1 | International Journals | 19 |
2 | National Journals | 19 |
3 | International Conferences | 12 |
4 | National Conferences | 25 |
5 | Text Books and Chapters in Text Books / Continuing Education Modules | 7 |
6 | Handouts – Course Materials -Titles | 28 |
Total | 110 |
S. No | Programme | No. of Programmes |
1 | Program Coordination | 58 |
2 | Subject Expert | 10 |
3 | Documentary based Video Films & Short Films (Script & Direction) | 20 |
4 | All India Radio/Television | 4 |
Total | 92 |
More than 350 for Polytechnic College faculty and More than 200 for Engineering College. |
15 International Training Programs sponsored by ITEC/TCS/SCAAP. |
No. of project works guided for international participants – More than 100. |
International/national seminar/workshops conducted - More than 12. |
Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India) American Society of Engineering Education (Member) |
Canadian Engineering Education Association(Member) |
Indian Geotechnical Society (Life Member) |
Indian Society of Remote Sensing(Life Member) |
Indian Society for Technical Education (Life Member) |
Developing Multimedia Learning
Package on ‘Construction of Household Latrines’ - Sponsored by Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking
Water Mission, Govt. of India (Member). |
Solid Waste Management Using Geographical
Information System for Chennai City’ (Phase I) - Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Govt. of India (Member). |
Solid Waste Management Using Geographical
Information System for Chennai City’ (Phase II) - Sponsored by Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Govt. of India (Coordinator). |
‘Preparation of Hydro-Geological Thematic Maps of
all districts of Tamilnadu’ - Sponsored by Central Ground Water Board, Govt. of India(Member). |
Preparation of Police Thematic Maps For all districts of Tamilnadu - sponsored by Govt. of
Tamilnadu (Through NIIT-GIS Ltd., Chennai)(Member). |
Developing Video Film on ‘Fabrication
Welding’ - Sponsored by National Instructional Media Institute, Govt. of India, Chennai, (Coordinator). |
Rain Water Harvesting for NITTTR Chennai Campus - Sponsored by Central Ground Water Board,
Govt. of India, Chennai (Member). |
Developing Video Film on ‘Computer Networks’ - Sponsored
by National Instructional Media Institute, Govt. of India, Chennai (Member). |
Developing “Slum Free
City Planning using GIS for Trichirapalli” - Sponsored by Rajiv Awaz Yogana, Ministry of Urban
Development, Govt. of India (Member). |
Expert Member
and Chairman of Visiting Team constituted by National Board of Accreditation, MOE, Govt. of India. |
Doctoral Committee Member of M.S and Ph.D Scholars of various Universities, Consultant to USAID. |
Visited as Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Mascareignes, Mauritius from 09th to
27th February 2020. |
As Expert Member and Chairman of Visiting Team constituted by NBA, visited more than
25 Institutions for granting Accreditation Status. |
Conduced Faculty Development Programs in the areas of NAAC/NBA Accreditation,
National/International Ranking Framework, Leadership for Academicians of Higher
Educational Institutions for Vice Chancellors (Afghanistan), Directors, Deans, Principals,
HODs and Senior Faculty. |
Involved in AICTE Approval Process, Affiliation with Universities and developing DPR for
Deemed University status for NITTTR Chennai. |
Technical University - Fontys PTH Eindhoven, The Netherlands. |
University Sains - Malaysia. |
Ohio State University - Columbus, USA. |
Nanyang Technological University - Singapore. |
University of Ottawa, Dalhousie University - Canada. |
University of Mascareignes - Mauritius. |
Canada |
The Netherlands |
Germany |
France |
Belgium |
Singapore |
Malaysia |
China |
Mauritius |
Degree | Institution/University | Year of the Degree obtained | Specialization |
B.E. | Kamaraj University | 1986 | Civil Engineering |
M.E. | Bharathiyar University | 1989 | Structural Engineering |
Ph.D | Anna University | 2004 | Civil Engineering |
The Unique Properties of FRP Composites (Especially High Strength to Weight Ratio, Non-Corrosive Characteristics)
can be Exploited for the Application in Civil Engineering |
Utilization of FRP Reinforcement for Rehabilitation of the Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures |
Testing the Prototype Structural Elements in the Laboratory followed by Finite Element Modeling and Analysis of the Same. |
The Outcome of the Research has been Published in National and International Journals |
Analysis & Design of structures for Earthquake Loads |
Finite Element Analysis |
Nanotechnology |
Curriculum Development & Evaluation |
Human Resource Development |
To Adopt Innovative Approaches in Designing Instructional Materials |
Thirty two years in Teaching and Training. |
“Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Laminates” The Indian Concrete Journal, December 1999. |
“Study of Impact of NITTTR’s Initiatives on the performance of Polytechnics”, Journal of Technical and Vocational Education, Vol.25, No.1&2 – June & December 2000. |
“Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams Subjected to Combined Bending and Torsion”, Journal of Civil Engg. and Construction Review, December 2005. |
“Analysis of Retrofitted Reinforced Concrete Shear Beams using Carbon Fibre Composites”, Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, International, Vol. 4. 2004. |
“Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened for Combined Bending and Torsion: a Numerical Study”, Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering, International, Vol. 7. 2007. |
“Polygonal Shaped RCC Water Tower”, National Symposium on Tall Structures, Regional Engineering College, Trichy, 21st & 22nd February, 1995. |
“A study on the use of Superplasticizer in Concrete”, National seminar on High Performance Concrete, International Centre for Fibre reinforced Concrete Composites, 21st & 22nd May, 1998. |
“Use of Light Gauge Members in Building Construction”, National Seminar on Building Construction Technology for the New Millennium, Indian Building Congress, 22nd & 23rd October 1999. |
“Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) and their Application in Civil Engineering”, National Seminar on Building Construction Technology for the New Millennium, Indian Building Congress, 22nd & 23rd October 1999. |
“A Finite Element of Landslide Disaster Management by Slope Stitching”, International Conference on Disaster Management, The Institution of Engineers (India), Chandigarh, 18th to 20th November, 2000. |
“Behaviour of Zorex fiber Reinforced Concrete – An experimental investigation”, National Seminar on Concrete Tecnology for 21st century, Department of Structural Engineering, Annamalai University, 9th & 10th February, 2001. |
“Value Added Utilization of Crushed Rock Dust (CRD) in Concrete”, The Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2005), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, December 14 -16, 2005. |
call |
044-2254 5460 / 044-2254 5447
| |
| | |
Green Building Technologies |
Water Quality Management |
Sustainable Development |
Landuse and Landcover Management |
Geographical Information System |
Educational Technologies and FOSS for Academics |
Degree | Institution/University | Specialization |
B.E | College and Engineering, Guindy Anna University | Civil Engineering |
M.E | College and Engineering, Guindy Anna University | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering |
Ph.D | University of Illinois, USA | Civil Engineering |
Associate Professor – Centre for Environmental Management, National Institute of Technical
Teachers Training & Research, Taramani, Chennai |
Geo-Environmental Engineer – Great Lakes Soil and Environmental Consultants, Bolingbrook,
Illinois, USA Incharge of DeKalb County Landfill Design and Characterization. Geotechnical
Engineer – ARCADIS, Tennessee, USA |
Lecturer – Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India |
Teaching Research Associate - Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India |
Structural Engineering |
Geographical Information Systems |
Ground Water Modelling |
Disaster Management & Earthquake Resistant Structures |
Degree | Institution/University | Specialization |
B.E | University of Madras | Civil Engineering |
M.E | Govt. College of Engineering, Salem | Structural Engineering |
Ph.D | Anna University | Civil Engineering |
About Twenty one years in Teaching, Training, and Research
Papers & Conference: National & International – 15
Organize Industrial training programmes on "GIS and Modern Surveying" for the officers of ONCG, CGWB, and TNSCB Engineers/Scientist |
Organized DST-NRDMS sponsored 21 days training programme on “Geospatial Technologies” |
Organized programmes for the Technical teachers of southern states in "Modern Surveying
(Total Station & GPS)", "Project Management”, “Computer Applications in Civil Engineering" |
Involved actively as a Resource person in the course of "Disaster Management & Earthquake
Resistant Structures", "Geographical Information System", and other courses organized by our Civil Engineering Department |
Coordinated two months Advanced certificate course on “Geographical Information Systems &
its Applications in Decision Making for e-Governance” & “Spatial Information Technology for
Urban planning and Management” course for the Overseas Participants |
Coordinated one-month Training programme on “Roads, Bridges & Irrigation Structures” for
Indonesia Participants |
Developed instructional materials in the form of Handouts in the modern civil engineering areas
particularly involving computer applications for use of teachers |
Developed instructional materials in the form of Handouts in the Geographical information system |
Delivered lecture in SWAYAM and NRC – ARPIT Video lectures |
Pavement Design |
Pavement structural evaluation |
Quality Control |
Pavement materials |
maintenance and rehabilitation |
Traffic simulation and Intelligent Transportation System |
Degree | Institution/University | Specialization |
B.Tech | Sri Venkateswara University | Civil Engineering |
M.Tech | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology- Surat | Transportation Engineering & Planning |
Ph.D | Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology- Surat | Pavement Engineering |
Post Doctoral | Sultan Qaboos University-Muscat | Pavement Engineering |
Sunny Deol., Vinod Kumar Adigopula and Rakesh Kumar. "Comparative studies of lightweight deflectometer and Benkelman beam deflectometer in low volume roads". (2016) Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering: Elsevier Publisher: |
Rakesh Kumar., Vinod Kumar Adigopula and Sunny Deol. "Stiffness-Based Quality Control Evaluation of Modified Subgrade Soil Using Lightweight Deflectometer". (2017). Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering: ASCE Publisher: |
Vinod Kumar Adigopula. "A simplified empirical approach for prediction of pavement layer moduli values using lightweight deflectometer data". (2021) International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, Springer publisher. |
Vinod Kumar Adigopula. "Possibilities and Proposals of Intelligent Transportation System in the Indian context: A Synthesis of the Literature". (2021) Journal of Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Springer publisher. |
Vinod Kumar Adigopula and Rakesh Kumar. "Laboratory investigation of modified subgrade clay soil mix with steel slag and lime using static and dynamic test approach". (2022) International Journal of Geotechnical engineering, Taylor & Francis publisher. |
Vinod Kumar Adigopula., Sunny Deol and Rakesh Kumar. "Structural Evaluation of Flexible Pavement Using Non-destructive Techniques in Low Volume Road". (2017) Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Springer Publisher: |
Vinod Kumar Adigopula., Chandra Bogi Freddy., Sunny Deol., Radha Gonawala and Rakesh Kumar. "Mechanistic Analysis of Subgrade Soil Reinforced with Modified Jute Geotextile". (2018) Sustainable Civil Infrastructures. Springer Publisher, Cham. |
. Vinod Kumar Adigopula., Chandra Bogi reddy and Rakesh Kumar. "A Study on the Application of Lightweight Deflectometer During the Construction of Low Volume Road in India". (2021) Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering: Springer Publisher: |
Vinod Kumar Adigopula., Bogireddy C., Guzzarlapudi S.D. (2022). "Comparison of Overlay Design in Between Lightweight Deflectometer and Benkelman Beam Deflection Test Results: A Case Study in India". Advances in Geoengineering along the Belt and Road. BRWSG 2021. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 230. Springer, Singapore. |
Sunny Deol., Vinod Kumar Adigopula and Rakesh Kumar. "Comparative study of flexible pavement layers moduli backcalculation using approximate and static approach". (2017) Materials Today: Proceedings: Elsevier Publisher: |
Rakesh Kumar., Vinod Kumar Adigopula and Sunny Deol. "A Correlation Between LWD Backcalculated Moduli with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Test Results for Subgrade Layer". (2017) 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington D.C. |
Vinod Kumar Adigopula and Rakesh Kumar. "Laboratory investigation of modified subgrade clay soil mix with steel slag and lime using static and dynamic test approach". (2022) International Journal of Geotechnical engineering, Taylor & Francis publisher. |
Overlay Design of Low Volume Road Using Light Weight Deflectometer. Structural evaluation of a pavement using NDT techniques
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2014-02-13). |
1.Design Patent "Portable soil compaction mould", India, Application number: 354784-001 (Published). |
2.Design Patent "FLOW-SLIDE LIQUID LIMIT DEVICE", India, Application number: 358642-001 (Published). |
Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers IEI (India). |